What are your goals? Why? Why? Why?
It is time to start with some exercises in Lean Self. Allow five to ten minutes for that, not more. Take pen and paper to write down the result. Do not spend too much time on it, it should be…Read more...
View ArticleHave you done your Root Value Analysis?
We are coming back at the results of yesterday’s exercixe. Please have a look at them or do the exercise right now, if you skipped it. I call the second exercise “Root Value Analysis.” Suppose one of...
View ArticleGoals are not values
So, what are goals? Goals are milestones for your efforts to create value. As life goes, you may change your attitude. So from time to time you should review your goals and values. This is part of the...
View ArticleResult orientation considered harmful
Suppose you want to teach a child how to ride a bicycle. You give a bike to the child and tell it to drive. The goal is clear: a smooth ride. So you do not give any hints how the…Read more ›The post...
View ArticleHow to Reduce Over-Processing
As I said, over-processing is difficult to detect and therefore, to reduce. You need to prevent it. The only successful way to reduce over-processing is prevention. What can you do? Most important it...
View ArticleNobody is perfect (Exercise)
Exercise 18: Find three things in your day to day live you are absolutely satisfied. For each of it, find five ideas for improvement. ‘Nobody is perfect’ can be a lame excuse – or a challenge.Click To...
View ArticleDoing the Right Things vs. Doing Things Right
Using your time wisely can be seen as a matter of efficiency and effectiveness. You surely know the classical definitions of those two terms: Efficiency means reducing input and resources required for...
View ArticleHow to Drive a Car with the Pareto Principle
Recently, I started a short series about the Pareto Principle and Learning. Today, I want to continue this with an application to the way one acquires his or her driver’s license. Getting your driver’s...
View ArticleWelcome to the World of Mini Habits
The journey into Lean Self blogging is very fascinating for me. Sometimes I come up with patently absurd ideas, like micro-meditation or the Lean diary. Then I discover somebody else who made a cool...
View ArticleYOU define value
All of us have things in life that are important to us. Sometimes we agree with others about these things, but in most cases, there are at least slight differences. Others may tell you what is...
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